
The SCC offers a broad range of services including:

  • Advice on experimental design
  • Project management
  • Data management
  • Statistical analysis
  • Assistance with statistical software and programming
  • Guidance with Master’s theses and Doctoral dissertations
  • Assistance with research and grant related activities
  • Statistical Workshops

We do not do statistical tutoring for course work.

Who can use our services?

Our services are available to students and faculty of San Diego State University, and to industry, businesses, and individuals outside of the university.


For Business clients:

Initial consultation and subsequent analyses will both be billed at an hourly rate. Current rates may be obtained by calling the current director.

For University clients:

The initial consultation is free. Subsequent visits may, and analyses will be billed at an hourly rate. By mutual agreement, alternative forms of compensation may take the place of hourly billing.

For university clients with limited budgets and fewer time constraints, statistical analysis can be handled by graduate students in the Statistical Consulting course (STAT 795).

Graduate students looking for help with their thesis or dissertation are welcome but should first obtain the approval of their advisors.

Timeline for Projects

It is important to understand that very few consultations are resolved in the first meeting. This initial meeting is a chance for the SCC staff to become familiar with the research problem, after which we should be able to outline a course of action and provide an estimate of the time and cost involved. With most projects, we will have results in 2-4 weeks, at which point we will arrange a follow-up meeting to present the results. Occasionally, we will require three or more meetings, depending upon the depth and breadth of our involvement.

Preparing for the Initial Meeting

All statistical consultations begin with an Initial Meeting. This meeting includes the new client, a graduate student consultant and a faculty member of the SCC. The purpose of this meeting is to describe the relevant background and details of research. We encourage you to contact us before data is collected. This way we can help develop a data collection plan that meets your time and budget needs and will yield statistically meaningful data.